
Real or Human Intelligence (RI) Versus Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Lalit Ahluwalia headshot imageLalit Ahluwalia is committed to redefining the future of cybersecurity by helping large and small-scale businesses prioritize digital trust. Here, Lalit explores real intelligence versus artificial intelligence, and the potential of combining real intelligence with artificial intelligence to achieve the best results. 

Real or Human Intelligence (RI) Versus Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In today’s fast-paced world, you can’t help but notice how Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has become an integral part of our lives. From virtual personal assistants like Siri and Alexa to the predictive algorithms powering your social media feeds, AI has permeated almost every aspect of our daily routines. 

AI makes mundane tasks a breeze, retrieving information, setting reminders, and even ordering your favorite morning coffee, all at your vocal beck and call. It’s like having a tireless, infinitely knowledgeable companion by your side. But why has AI become so mainstream, and what benefits does it bring to you?

How AI Has Become The Mainstream And The Benefits It Brings

Imagine a world where machines can think, learn, and create just like humans. A world where AI systems can surpass human intelligence and capabilities. This is the world that many experts believe is on the horizon. 

AI’s meteoric rise can be attributed to its ability to automate tasks, analyze massive datasets, and make decisions faster and more accurately than any human ever could. Think about the convenience of your smartphone’s virtual assistant. You ask it questions, and it responds instantly, fetching information from the vast expanse of the internet. It adapts to your preferences, learns your habits, and helps you manage your schedule effortlessly. 

AI has infiltrated industries, too, transforming the way they operate. In healthcare, AI aids doctors in diagnosing illnesses with unprecedented accuracy, potentially saving lives. In finance, it predicts market trends, giving you an edge in investment decisions. And the future of transportation is being reshaped by AI, with autonomous vehicles promising to make roads safer and more efficient.

Difference Between AI and RI?

Yet, as AI seamlessly integrates into your life, it’s essential to acknowledge the fundamental difference between Artificial Intelligence and Real Intelligence, or RI—your intelligence. AI is a remarkable creation, an emulation of human cognitive functions but devoid of consciousness, emotions, and, most critically, morality.

Consider this scenario: an autonomous vehicle’s systems malfunction, and it’s hurtling toward an intersection with a stop/red light. In one direction are other vehicles with drivers and passengers, and in the opposite direction is a public pathway crowded with pedestrians. The vehicle faces a choice—either harm other road users or its own occupants. The crux of the issue is that a machine must make a moral decision.

In this scenario, AI relies on pre-defined rules and algorithms, devoid of ethical consideration or empathy. It processes data and selects the outcome that aligns with its programming. In contrast, your Real Intelligence, honed by years of learning and socialization, would likely weigh not just the rules but also the ethical nuances, the potential consequences, and the well-being of all involved.

AI Risks and How RI Can Help Mitigate Them

The rapid advancement of AI brings with it ethical concerns that demand your attention. As AI systems become more capable, the urgency of ethical considerations intensifies. Tech giants and industry groups have already recognized this, coming together to ponder the ethical implications of AI. 

Organizations adopting AI face ethical dilemmas that cannot be ignored. One of the risks is algorithmic bias, where AI systems perpetuate societal biases present in their training data. AI-driven decisions can lack transparency, making accountability a challenge when things go wrong. The absence of morality in AI raises questions about its ability to make ethically sound choices, especially in situations like the autonomous vehicle scenario.

What if an autonomous vehicle malfunctions and the car is heading toward an intersection with the stop/red light where it can run into other vehicles injuring other drivers/passengers or a public pathway with a group of pedestrians who would be killed if the car hit them? The car has a choice to hurt others or harm the occupant/s in the car through the choice it makes. The issue is that a machine would be making a moral decision.

Here’s where your Real Intelligence plays a pivotal role in mitigating these risks. You possess the unique capacity to infuse AI systems with ethical guidance, ensuring they align with societal values and norms. You can scrutinize, interpret, and fine-tune AI systems to be more equitable and just. While AI can process data with unprecedented speed, it’s your discernment that prevents harmful outcomes and ensures responsible AI deployment.

Need For RI To Enhance AI

To ensure the success of AI, the role of Real Intelligence cannot be overstated. AI can automate tasks, process data, and make decisions, but it cannot replace the nuanced understanding, empathy, and ethical judgment that you, as a human, possess. Your ability to navigate moral dilemmas, consider the greater good, and make decisions influenced by a complex interplay of emotions, values, and societal norms is irreplaceable.

Consider the O-ring principle where a collection of tasks need to be done together to successfully accomplish a main task. If some of the tasks involved can be automated, the economic value of the human inputs for the other tasks that cannot be done by machines will increase.

As AI systems become more and more capable, ethical considerations related to AI will become increasingly urgent. Tech giants and industry groups have already come together to consider the ethical ramifications of AI, and organizations will face ethical decisions during its adoption. 

In the autonomous vehicle scenario, it is not a matter of whether AI can make a moral decision like a human; rather, it highlights that AI relies on your Real Intelligence to make the right choice. 

As AI continues to advance, it is crucial to emphasize the need for a harmonious coexistence of AI and RI, where the strengths of each complement and enhance the other, ensuring a future where technology and humanity thrive together. Moreover, the responsibility of ensuring that AI respects ethical boundaries falls on your shoulders. Active participation in the development, regulation, and ethical oversight of AI systems is essential. Your Real Intelligence is needed to create AI that enhances our lives without compromising our values and ethics.


In a world increasingly shaped by technology, AI has undoubtedly become a dominant force, offering immense benefits and convenience. However, it is vital to remember that it is not AI versus RI but AI working in synergy with RI. AI may excel in automating tasks and processing data, but it lacks the essential qualities that make us human—empathy, morality, and ethical discernment.

As you embrace AI’s potential, always recognize that your Real Intelligence guides and informs AI’s actions. AI relies on your moral compass to navigate complex ethical decisions. In the face of AI’s rapid progress, let us emphasize the imperative of harmonizing AI and RI, where the best of both worlds coexist to create a future where technology and humanity flourish hand in hand.

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